TBE Celebrates Our Partners

TBE Celebrates Our Partners

When we make the decision to hit submit on our Booth application, the decision impacts not just us, but our family and friends, and most importantly, our partners. We trek from class to networking events, and return back home to tackle our cases, and our partners are our unwavering support. When our stressful and intense socializing at recruiting events makes us antisocial and disagreeable at home, our partners fill the void with compassion and positive energy to keep us trudging forward. When we take a week to take a Random Walk or embark on our “BoothRight,” our partners share our excitement and wanderlust.

As we embark on this Booth journey, we just want to say: We couldn’t do it without you.

The Booth Experience team wants to dedicate this week to our Partners. Check back daily as we bring the perspectives of Partners here in Chicago, long-distance partners, and, of course, our Booth partner duos and their #whyBooth stories.