Kate Hui, Friday Night Dinner Co-Captain
After attending my own Admit Weekend, I knew that this was an event that I wanted to be a part of, and I found the perfect role as a Friday Night Dinner Co-Captain. Being a foodie from Chicago, I was really excited about the opportunity to showcase Chicago’s food scene, and using that as the backdrop for Admits to get to know both the Booth community and the city. Chicago is usually known for its hot dogs and deep dish pizza on one end and once-in-a-lifetime experiences like Alinea at the other, so I loved the challenge of finding interesting restaurants “in the middle” that are just as worthy of Chicago’s food fame and great for a relaxing evening out with a group of 20 friends!
Enjoying Korean BBQ in Chicago!
Chris Lewis, Trivia Event Captain
Working on the Admit Weekend Planning Team gives you the chance to impact how literally hundreds of admitted students and their partners perceive the Booth community. While our team of students works closely with Admissions, we are given a tremendous amount of leeway to inject our own creativity. In my case I’ve spent the last few months designing an interactive trivia game about life at Booth, from concept to execution. The game is meant to be lighthearted, and to that end I’ve scoured the ends of the internet to include some funny (but tasteful) pictures of faculty members and classmates.
Parvathi Suresh, Photography and Social Media Captain
It’s been a wonderful experience being a part of the A-Team for Admit Weekend. Being the Photography and Social Media chair was a great way to draw upon some of my past experience in social media, and to have fun with the process! It’s also a brilliant exercise in time management – juggling academics, recruiting, socializing and Admit Weekend responsibilities can leave one’s calendar pretty full! The best part of the experience though? Definitely the fun conversations I’ve had with people roaming around Harper Center with my camera, trying to capture Booth in all its myriad hues.