IBEP what?

IBEP what?

Chicago Booth participates in The International Business Exchange Program (IBEP) which provides Booth students with the opportunity to study abroad at one of 33 partner schools in 21 countries around the world. The exchange partners are all top business, management, or economic schools situated in important global markets. IBEP is a perfect option for students interested in gaining experience in another culture, studying business issues from another perspective, and building a global network. Booth is one of the few U.S. top business schools that participate in the program. You can even choose to take your coursework in English or in the native language of the institution.

IBEP post 1 world map

This year 65 full-time and evening/weekend students are studying abroad in 16 different countries. They include Italy, Spain, England, Switzerland, South Africa, India and China just for starters. I am doing an exchange at IESE Business School in Barcelona. Over the next 2 months I will share my experiences with you as well as  have some guest blog posts from my colleagues studying around the globe.

I decided to participate in IBEP because I figured it would be an amazing opportunity (probably my last) to live abroad and see a new place through the eyes of a student. Because I went to West Point for undergrad, a university exchange was not a part of my college experience. When I spoke to classmates about my decision to apply for the IBEP program their immediate response was “But you are going to miss Booth for a whole quarter, won’t you have FOMO?” I knew I would undoubtedly miss Booth, but when I weighed my options I found it an opportunity I couldn’t pass. I decided on  Barcelona specifically for three reasons. First, IESE Business School is one of the premiere business schools in Europe. Secondly, I wanted to be in major economic center where I could be immersed in a new culture. Lastly, I wanted to practice my Spanish and hopefully meet a couple of nice people along the way.

More to follow soon….