As the AudioBooth co-chair and a performer/singer at Booth, I get to express myself and share my passion with my peers on a regular basis. AudioBooth is a student group that is tailored to all lovers of music. You do not need to be a musician to be part of this free club, as we promote not only Booth concerts, but also musical outings around Chicago. We all share a love of music together.
House of Booth
This past year we have put on several events where Booth students had the opportunity to perform; as well as planned events and recommendations for concerts that we felt the general population would enjoy. This past week, AudioBooth had an event called “House of Booth” where several Booth students performed various musical acts for their audience. It took place at Joe’s on Weed St, a venue that we have used in the past as well.
We had many new performers on stage—students who have never performed in front of their friends at Booth before and were stepping outside of their comfort zone and try something new. There were plenty of seasoned performers as well, which was super exciting for everyone.
I performed a few songs with two students who are great friends of mine. Rodolfo Maciel, a first year student who plays piano and sings, and Dwij Garg, a second year who plays the guitar and sings. We did an acoustic performance including the songs “FourFive Seconds,” “Drops of Jupiter,” and “Sorry.” Nothing beats the feeling of being on stage with your friends while performing for such a supportive audience like the Booth population. I love being part of a community of people that have such a variety of talent and passion.
Coming up… Battle of the Bands
AudioBooth has its largest event coming up on May 20, 2016 called Battle of the Bands! This is a concert that we throw alongside the Kellogg School of Business where three bands from each school perform head to head. This year we are joining forces with an amazing music related charity called Guitars over Guns (a non-profit that mentors at risk kids through music), who will partner with us on the execution. I look forward to performing at this event and ending off my Booth experience with a bang!
Shelley Gupta is a second year student at Chicago Booth. Prior to business school, Shelley worked in real estate development, and post grad she will be joining Accenture Consulting. Shelley has been singing since she was young, and worked as a recording artist in Canada for several years prior to attending Booth. Her passion for music translates into her desire to share and express herself through performance on campus. She is part of a band at Booth called Maroon 4, who will be performing at the upcoming Battle of the Bands show in May. She also is a co-chair of AudioBooth, Follies, South Asian Business Group, and the Canada Club, and holds a position on GBC.