TBE sat down with second year and TechCon Co-Chair, Amrisha Dubey to hear all about this year’s conference. Catch the full interview below:

What is TechCon?
TechCon is Booth’s annual technology conference organized with the Booth Tech Group, with the aim of driving discussions in the latest trends in tech with alumni and other business leaders.
What were the highlights of TechCon 2022?
So many! It was our first time back in person since 2019 so there was incredible energy in the room on our in-person day with keynote speaker Scott Griffith, the CEO of autonomous vehicles at Ford. Our new Founder Solution room was also a hit, featuring VC professionals who helped student founders with their startups.

What was it like to plan TechCon?
It is a long planning cycle since we begin in the fall, so lots of preliminary outreach and content planning at first and then a sprint in the last few weeks of nailing down the final details and coordinating with guest speakers.
How do students get involved with planning TechCon?
We have an application process for 1Ys in the fall quarter to join the team, followed by a short interview with the co-chairs who are 2Ys.

How has Booth prepared you for a career in Tech?
Booth has helped me effectively frame my thinking around problems I encountered in tech. I have also been able to develop strategic insights and cross functional exposure which are key in any tech environment.
Can you tell TBE Readers a bit about your background before Booth, what you’ve been involved in at school and your plans post graduation?
Before Booth I worked in strategy consulting at Deloitte then transitioned to tech at Apple and PayPal. At school I’ve been involved in BTG, planning then leading TechCon and career advising. Post Booth I’ll be working in Strategy and Ops at Stripe here in Chicago.