This summer I interned at Boston Consulting Group in their NYC office. Having worked as a software engineer before I came to Booth, consulting required me to develop new skill sets including analyzing companies’ financial statements, sharpening my written and spoken communication skills, and of course, increasing my speed at creating quality PowerPoint slide content.
My project during my internship was working on a tech cost optimization for a large US bank. I got to travel to the client’s HQ for a couple of weeks and work alongside key stakeholders on the client side. Traveling with my case team was enjoyable and a great opportunity to get to know my case team and our senior partner better. Besides my case, I also got to work on some proposals for future cases aimed at helping financial institutions pilot and drive company-wide adoption of generative AI solutions. This required me to learn about the inner workings of GPT language models and because the proposals were high-profile within the company, resulted in me meeting a lot of senior partners and technology experts at BCG.

One of my favorite things about my internship was the open office layout and collegial vibe of my coworkers. I spent part of each day working with my case team in my team room and part of it at a hot desk, normally near some of my fellow intern friends (there were approximately 60 MBA interns in the NYC office and 7 of those were fellow Booth students). I was also assigned a summer dean, a consultant who had worked a couple of years after finishing their MBA, who met with me once a week and was a great resource for questions about work as well as about where to live in NYC when I move there. Additionally, there were intern happy hours, team dinners at good restaurants, and an end-of-summer office party replete with fireworks and live music.

Living in New York for the summer was a blast. I spent a lot of time hanging out with other Boothies, going to gym classes, Six Flags, farmer’s markets, a techno concert, birthday parties, Central Park hangouts, and even a weekend hiking trip. After my internship wrapped up in mid-August, I spent the rest of the summer traveling, visiting Jordan and France then leading a Random Walk in Ireland, and then continuing to travel in Spain, Germany, and Vietnam running into many Booth friends along the way.