The University of Chicago has been the home of groundbreaking economics research for decades. The school boasts several Nobel-prize winning professors, two of whom are currently active members of Chicago Booth faculty—Eugene Fama and Richard Thaler...
Any Chicagoan knows that after spending some time in the city, you learn to embrace all four seasons. And yes, that even includes winter. This mentality is what has allowed the Booth Soccer Club to be one of the most vibrant and thriving communities...
Chicago Booth is known for its flexible curriculum, which allows students to curate a tailored MBA experience by picking and choosing the courses they want to do. In fact, there is only one class that is mandatory for everyone: Leadership...
Throughout the recruiting process, people advised me to keep in mind the “airport test,” i.e., to answer the question, “Would I want to hang out with these people if we were stuck together in an airport for four hours?” During my summer internship...
I’m originally from New Delhi, India, and I was living and working in Mumbai prior to coming to Booth. To say that the weather is a bit different from back home is definitely an understatement. That said, I’ve really enjoyed my time here in Chicago...