By Eileen Welch Conference Overview As a Co-Chair of Booth’s Investment Management Group, I had the pleasure of co-creating this year’s conference with two of my fellow Co-Chairs, Gigi Elashram and Evan Nguyen, with the support of our full Co-Chair...
Guest blog by Anindita Yadavalli At Booth, trips and treks are more than just a chance to explore new destinations—they’re an integral part of the MBA experience. Among these experiences, Random Walks stand out as some of the most cherished memories...
Guest blog by Michael Chao Being a first-generation college and MBA student meant that the Booth journey promised to be a “transformative experience for personal and professional development”. At least, that’s what I kept telling myself in between...
Guest blog by Harriet Spears Like many young people in the social sector before me, I flirted with the idea of getting an MPP, JD, and MA before ultimately arriving at the decision to pursue an MBA. As a nonprofit fundraiser, I recognized that the...
Guest blog by Kevin Hernandez I first heard about the Random Walk two years ago when I was applying to Booth. Initially, I was perplexed—what did it mean that about 15 first-year students go on a trip together before school officially starts? Having...