New York City feels like home to me. Having grown up in the metro area and lived in various boroughs after college, I feel at home in the city. When I decided to pursue an investment banking internship, I was comforted by the fact that moving to an...
Picture this: you’ve got a summer consulting internship, and you’re based in Chicago. With all the traveling, can you actually enjoy the best few months that Chicago has to offer? Absolutely. Let me walk you through a week of how I lived it up in...
Prior to business school, incoming MBA students generally take the opportunity to explore long-delayed passions, discover new corners of the world, or earn a few extra paychecks. This year, 70 Boothies (nearly 12% of the class!) achieved all three...
I spent my summer interning at Bain. Through consulting recruiting at Booth, I was lucky to get significant exposure to the people I was actually going to work with as a Summer Associate in the Chicago office, as well as the 2Ys who had just been in...
I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve been asked, “Why tech?” or “Why Microsoft?” No, it’s not because the CEO is a Booth alum (Hi Satya!). My answer is that I was seeking an experience completely unlike any other I’ve had before. Microsoft...