During the summer between my first and second year at Booth, I was a marketing intern for the Tropicana team at PepsiCo’s Chicago offices. For my intern project, I was tasked with evaluating the brand’s opportunity within the multicultural consumer...
Business school can generally be broken down into three main components; studying, socializing, and soliciting (a job). While the first two are fairly straightforward in aims and objectives, that third prong can often be the cause of the greatest...
Advertising has changed dramatically since the Sterling Cooper / Mad Men days. Although there are quite a few Don Drapers out there pitching their big ideas, advertising today has evolved into a new form that amalgamates creativity with data...
In keeping with my trend of threes, here’re three things I recommend early career candidates keep in mind as they dive into the MBA research process: 1. Why you want an MBA (important) and why you want an MBA now (incredibly important). This is a no...
But I Thought I Was Going to be a Portfolio Manager: Becoming a Successful Career Switcher in Business School One of the biggest pros to coming to business school is the opportunity, so rarely found in “real life,” to break into fields that are...