As the COVID-19 pandemic has transformed lives around the world, people all over have invested themselves in fighting the virus and trying to find ways to speed our recovery from it. For many Booth faculty members (and academics across the globe)...
When I imagined my final quarter at Booth, it looked something like this: I would be relieved of most leadership positions (having passed the torch to the Class of 2021) and finished with my graduation requirements, leaving me to take four purely...
The University of Chicago has been the home of groundbreaking economics research for decades. The school boasts several Nobel-prize winning professors, two of whom are currently active members of Chicago Booth faculty—Eugene Fama and Richard Thaler...
Chicago Booth is known for its flexible curriculum, which allows students to curate a tailored MBA experience by picking and choosing the courses they want to do. In fact, there is only one class that is mandatory for everyone: Leadership...
Our Best Booth Moment Series continues with students sharing their favorite memories of Booth faculty outside of the classroom. When I arrived at Booth I never expected to pit myself in fierce competition against any professor. Much less Professor...