Guest blog by Anindita Yadavalli At Booth, trips and treks are more than just a chance to explore new destinations—they’re an integral part of the MBA experience. Among these experiences, Random Walks stand out as some of the most cherished memories...
Having my Booth interview two weeks after I delivered my baby, calling the movers with the constant sound of the baby crying in the background, having an unexpected wrist surgery one month before I moved to Chicago, juggling coursework, recruiting...
In New Zealand, “kia ora” is an informal greeting that comes from the Māori, the indigenous Polynesian people that discovered the country back in the fourteenth century, and loosely means “be well.” It has been adopted by the whole country and, as...
Ask just about anyone, and you’ll hear that a big part of a full-time MBA program is the networking. Entering Booth with a non-traditional background (I worked in urban turnaround schools for six years), I had no idea what this meant. Networking...
During our Winter Break we had an open call for Boothies to share their best moments at Booth. We kickoff this series by presenting to you a post by Kelly Carlquist who started her MBA with a Marathon finish. Chicago holds a special place in my...