As an art enthusiast in Chicago, I set out to explore the city’s art scene, only to be left mesmerized.Chicago’s artistic journey began with a literal blank canvas after the Great Fire of 1871. The subsequent reconstruction efforts saw the...
As a student at the University of Chicago, one of the many perks of our campus is the proximity to the Art Institute of Chicago — a world-renowned museum that houses some of the most breathtaking masterpieces of the past and present. As part of the...
When you’re looking at business schools, it’s easy (and sensible) to look mostly at the nuances of the different MBA programs. Yet, when you choose to join an MBA program, you’re not just becoming part of a business school—you’re also joining a...
As one of many Boothies with a non-traditional background, I came to Chicago hoping to gain analytical tools to make a successful transition into business. But with a long-term goal of returning to the public sector, I was lucky to discover the...
One of my most vivid memories of being an undergrad at the University of Chicago was graduation. Graduation here is rife with tradition – in the morning, every college gathers on the main quad for a campus-wide ceremony, complete with a bagpipe...