Thanks to our guest writers Cindy Balaji, Elika Mazhar, and Anita Bopalkar, professional devlopment co-chairs for the Chicago Women in Business (CWIB) group On Thursday, October 27th, Chicago Women in Business hosted its annual CWiB Fall Conference...
For many, the idea of marketing elicits scenes of Mad Men and tropes of the Golden Age of Advertising. But these idyllic days are long gone, and marketing today is much more than a jingle, an ad in the New York Times’ Sunday Edition, or a 30-second...
Graduating from Chicago Booth is no small feat. Graduating from Chicago Booth while raising two young daughters is heroic. TBE had the chance to catch up with recent graduates Jaqueline Sanches and Divya Peddi to hear more about their experience at...
Ever wondered what the typical day at Booth looks like for a first year student? Check out the below video to see Ivana Chen’s fun-filled day around Chicago and the Booth campus. Her day is packed with activity starting first with a gorgeous...
Recently, I had the opportunity to attend the Kilts Center’s Speaker Series with Judy Toland, VP Shared Solutions at Facebook. The event was co-sponsored by the Chicago Women in Business (CWIB) and African American MBA Association (AAMBAA) student...