Have you ever thought about managing a two-person career search with your partner? Or wondered how you should approach compromising on whose career gets priority at different points? Or how you will split up responsibilities once kids come into the...
The path to being a successful business executive, a la Satya Nadella, Mary Barra, or Jamie Dimon, usually includes a pit stop at a prestigious MBA program. After all, MBA programs are where young, talented professionals are taught how to be...
Many people recognize their professional paths early on and the steps to achieving their goals become well-defined and linear. While not extraordinary by any means relative to my incredible peers, my path to business school was indirect and filled...
At some point in our lives we’ll all face rejection. Whether it’s getting denied by your dream business school, a great interview that doesn’t result in an offer, or losing your dream Bucktown apartment in 2017 (still not over this one). Navigating...
If you read my last blog post about my summer internship at Google, I mentioned four key learnings that I took away from the recruiting process and internship experience. They were: enjoy the process, keep perspective, be thoughtful, and ask for...