LPF is a weekly social tradition here at Booth that I really love. On Friday afternoons, students, faculty, and staff come together to celebrate the end of week over food and drinks in the Winter Garden. Typically, a student group will sponsor the week’s LPF and the food, decorations or entertainment will reflect the interests of that group. For example, one of the first LPFs of the year featured “All Things Chicago” with deep-dish pizza, Italian beef, hot dogs, and popcorn. The Retail and Luxury Group raffled prizes for Lo & Sons bags and had a presentation on the future of retail. AudioBooth, our music-lovers group, hosted an off-campus LPF where student bands performed.
And this past Friday, the Booth Dance Club hosted an LPF where the talented dancers of Booth performed and even taught students how to do some of the dances!
Events like this make me so proud to be a Boothie, because I see how skilled my classmates are outside of the classroom. Boothies are an incredibly talented group, but what makes our class truly special is that we support and celebrate one another’s talents and passions. Students excitedly cheer each other on at Battle of the Bands, Follies (our improv sketch show), and in numerous sporting events. We read and comment on the articles our classmates’ posts in our ChiBus newspaper, and sit front row at one another’s business pitch competitions.
I can go on and on about how supportive this community is, but I will let the pictures from last Friday’s LPF featuring the Booth Dance Club speak for itself!
Dance club performing to Justin Beiber
‘Dance Club teaching Boothies to dance!