Croatia Random Walk

Croatia Random Walk

Guest Blog By Tori Somsak

When I was in the process of applying to business schools and I had spoken to my close mentors at Deloitte, who coincidentally happened to be Booth alum, they had shared with me the concept of a “Random Walk.” They discussed stories of their trips to Thailand, China, and Nicaragua and how they had made their best friends before starting classes, and the immersive cultures that they got to experience. At that moment, I knew that I had to apply to Booth. In preparing my applications and reading about other students’ Random Walk trips within The Booth Experience, I was hooked and I knew that Booth was my first choice school because of this very unique experience. Upon my acceptance and attending the Random Walk Fair at First Day where 2Y leads shared the itineraries of their respective trips, I immediately was drawn to the Croatia table. They advertised days of relaxation along the Adriatic Sea and the idea of a “Euro Summer” within the nightlife scene across Dubrovnik, Split, and Hvar. When the Random Walk pairings came out, I was ecstatic to receive news that I was indeed going to Croatia.

Exploring Croatia

We had the rare chance as part of this trip to explore three cities – Dubrovnik, Split, and Hvar – each with its own distinct charm and culture. In Dubrovnik, we got to hear from our tour guide about their tourism economy and the draw from the sites that served as filming locations for Game of Thrones. One of our first activities was a walking tour along the city walls where we got to learn more about the construction and vibrant history of the inhabitants.

In Hvar, we had the opportunity to explore the Pakleni Islands via a torpedo speed boat that took us around and made stops for lunch and beach relaxation, while going at the speed of light and making donuts around the water! Our group was split across two boats and we had a race to see who could make it to each stop faster! Being on the water while the boat captains played American throwbacks was an unforgettable experience!

In Split, we planned a dinner where we all donned black attire and tried all of the fresh seafood delicacies that the city had to offer! We had a full-on feast with freshly caught seabass, prawns, and squid that paired perfectly with the local wine. Our 2Y leads shared with us their advice on how to bid for the right classes, manage our schedule with recruiting timelines, and choose the right clubs and organizations that suit our passions. We were thankful for all of their tips and tricks that prepared us to go into Orientation and LEAD with ease.

Building Connections Beyond Borders

While taking catamarans to get to each of the different cities, we were paired with a new roommate for each city. We had the chance to personally connect with each individual we were paired with and learn more about their pre-booth journey and upbringing. My favorite moments of the trip were the late-night chats that I had with my roommates where we got to bond and debrief about all of the fun that occurred throughout that day. In the mornings, we would all coordinate to grab breakfast together and learn more about the passions we want to explore and the goals that we have for our time at Booth.

By the end of the trip, we had all gotten to know one another so well and were already planning future events to hang out together. We knew that we could all count on each other for the upcoming two years. We were so grateful to have met one another and could not have imagined that we had all just met a mere 10 days prior as it felt as if we had known each other for years. We even got matching bucket hats to commemorate our trip together and keep the spirit alive when we got back to Chicago and coined the term “Croothies” (Croatia Boothies)!

Cultural Immersion: How Random Walks Broadened My Global Perspective

All in all, Random Walk will forever be engrained as one of the best moments of my business school journey. I got to explore a country that I had never visited before, cultivated new friendships, and learned more about what Booth has to offer and the excitement that the journey will bring! Through learning more about the history of the various cities and the European economy with the help of our local tour guides, we got to experience a new culture through our very own eyes. We immersed ourselves in the local food scene and saw the melting pot of Mediterranean influence in the dishes. Within our small group dinners and day-to-day activities, we got to learn about one another and the various paths we all took to get to Booth, the countries we had all lived in, and the work that we had all done professionally. The exchange of stories and inside jokes fueled our bond with one another. Our 2Y leads prepared us for what to expect at Booth and made us wish that Booth was not just for two years but for life. Every day of the trip, we felt so grateful to be at this school and to take part in the opportunities that the school had to offer. We all knew that we were in for a wild and rewarding ride at Booth.