The Booth Experience Team asked Chicago Booth’s Associate Dean of Admissions, Donna Swinford, to give advice for applicants. Learn more about what makes a successful MBA candidate. What is Chicago Booth looking for in candidates?First of all, there...
With the next round deadline for the Full-Time MBA application approaching, The Booth Experience is eager to offer as much guidance as possible. We hope our “Boothie” perspective will be helpful as you work on your application. In the coming weeks...
For the vast majority of Boothies, the two years we spend in Chicago will end in us receiving a single degree. However, there are a number of joint degree students in every class. In the Class of 2023, there are 43 Full-Time joint degree students;...
With the next round deadline for the Full-Time Application coming up, The Booth Experience is excited to share as much application advice as we can. We’ve already shared our own tips in the previous post and here we’ve collected words of wisdom from...