As an Admissions Fellow, one of my responsibilities is conducting interviews. At the end of my interviews, I always leave 10 – 15 minutes for the candidate to ask me any questions. One of my interviewees from the Round 2 interview process asked me a...
I still remember the excitement about getting into Booth like it was yesterday. After five years working at Anheuser-Busch (A-B) in Ohio and Chicago, I gained a real appreciation of how businesses operate in the Midwest, and saw myself as a future...
When I applied to school, I had many goals that I wanted to accomplish with my MBA; I wanted to build upon my leadership skills, my business acumen and, I suppose, learn how to tighten up my writing skills through these blog articles! Above all, I...
Toan Vo graduated from the Full-Time MBA Program at Chicago Booth in December 2020 (two quarters early) while working as a contractor for Duolingo and raising a new-born with his wife. He will start his full-time job at Chewy in January 2021. Toan...
I can still remember the very first day on campus, when we were welcomed by the school Dean speaking from the first floor of Harper Center, while we all looked up and admired the sky that can be seen through the glass ceiling of the building. In the...