The world around us is constantly changing and so are we. Throughout our lives, we adopt new hobbies and interests that reflect who we are. Chicago Booth gets it, and encourages students to optimize their MBA experiences to fit their personalities...
Logan Square Auditorium was jumping full of familiar bodies hidden behind unfamiliar appearances. Plenty of Stella Artois, Hoegaarden, and Leffe was flying around, some even through the air, but the bountiful cornucopia of candy, chocolate, Jimmy...
BoothRight is an annual Spring Break trip to Israel that is open only to second-year students. Because of its timing and awesome itinerary, BoothRight is the perfect way to finish the Booth MBA. Essentially, BoothRight is actually a student-led trip...
This fall, the Chicago Booth community welcomed 582 first-year students who are embarking on a journey of a lifetime. As always, Booth’s student body covers a wide array of industries and functions, and no two Boothies are alike. All at the same...
On September 14, the Chicago Booth community came together in 100+ cities around the world for a celebration of school pride and the values that make Booth so unique. In case you are not familiar, this global mega-event is a school tradition that...