They all go to Booth! Get to know some of the newest Boothies on campus through Poet & Quants‘ recently published article, Meet Chicago Booth’s MBA Class of 2018… P&Q: While the Class of 2018 is unquestionably brainy, they are anything but...
Business school is an incredible place, and one that exists in an alternate universe. We spend money we’ll pay back at a later date, we sit in class for only a few hours a week but yet are incredibly busy, and we manage to forge close friendships...
Collaboration is a cornerstone of Chicago Booth’s pay-it-forward culture. First year students receive help from second year students even before class officially starts. One example is during Random Walks, when second years lead one-week trips to...
What’s it like to be a student at Booth? Take a look at a day of waking up in MPP, taking the 7:48AM Metra to Hyde Park with all your friends, class, group meetings, coffee and cookies with Dean Kole, attending Booth Stories, a little afternoon fro...
If you have ever wondered about Chicago Booth’s campus community dynamic, given that our school is in a large metropolitan city, you should check out where, what, and who comprises our everyday life in downtown Chicago.