I knew I wanted to study abroad in graduate school before I even knew I wanted to go to Chicago Booth. Whether or not a school had a study abroad program was one of the make-or-break factors for if I applied to it or not. I wasn’t able to study...
Many told me that one of the best parts of the Booth experience is that you get to travel, get to know new places, and get to meet new people. Imagine my disappointment when during my Random Walk trip friends started asking me about the Colombia...
For Full-Time MBA students, 2Y Spring Break presents a trade-off. On one hand, it’s the last formal break you have to do a big class event with all of your classmates, but on the other hand, it also might be the last time you get to do a small...
This winter, London Business School (a partner school to Booth and one of the most prestigious MBA programs in Europe) welcomed 13 Booth students. The cohort included second year students Sri Sridhar and Tanvi Sinha, who partnered up to share about...
Shalom! One of the preeminent Booth trips is the Israel trek (ITrek), which takes place during students’ 2nd year Spring Break. ITrek is an annual tradition at Booth and has historically been one of the largest trips students take while pursuing...