Guest blog by Pallavi Goenka TechCon 2023 was a technology conference that brought together some of the brightest minds in technology and business. It was curated with an exceptional lineup of speakers and moderators to provide the attendees with an...
Guest Blog by Nadia Rangwalla Earlier in February, a group of 15 Booth students went for a two-day trek to New York City as part of programming for the Retail & Luxury Group. We had the opportunity to visit the offices of some of the biggest...
Guest Blogger: Kelsey Sawyer I came to Booth for its intellectual and collaborative culture, flexible curriculum, and academic leadership in energy (as throughout the University of Chicago). During the Autumn quarter, alongside ten peers and across...
By Guest Blogger Benjamin Stubblefield As a veteran coming to Booth I was very excited and overwhelmed by the abundance of employment opportunities that were available to students. I had spent 11+ years in the Navy with little to no business...
In the 2022-23 year, the Kilts Center—which supports students interested in tech/product management, marketing, and brand and general management—launched its first training series. This set of three workshops served to help students gain practical...